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General Synod

Annual Meeting

In its annual meeting, the General Synod sets the direction and tone for denominational ministry. It has authority in all matters relating to denominational program and policy. It also has general responsibility over all lower assemblies (regional synods, classes, and consistories).

General Synod 2024

Tucson, Arizona
Thursday, June 13 – June 18

View all scheduled sessions

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Latest Synod News

General SynodNews
June 18, 2024

General Synod 2024 News Summary

Here's a summary of the major decisions, themes, and conversations at the RCA's 2024 General Synod in Tucson, Arizona, June 13-18.
General SynodNews
June 17, 2024

Covenant Share rate set at 2.5 percent for 2025

On Monday afternoon, the General Synod set a covenant share rate for the financial needs of denominational life in 2025. Covenant Shares represent a recent change to how the RCA…
General SynodNews
June 17, 2024

General Synod takes steps toward a more equitable Book of Church Order

The General Synod heard from the African American Black Council (AABC) on Monday morning, along with the General Synod Council (GSC), which brought several proposed Book of Church Order (BCO)…
General SynodNews
June 17, 2024

General Synod Daily Recap: Monday, June 17, 2024

This news summary is being updated throughout the day. The Global Council for Hispanic Ministries led the General Synod in bilingual worship—Spanish and English—on Monday morning. Rev. Jael Serrano-Altamirano preached,…
General SynodNews
June 17, 2024

General Synod Daily Recap: Sunday, June 16, 2024

This news summary is being updated throughout the day. “Bless the LORD with me!” The African American Black Council led the General Synod in energetic, joy-filled worship on Sunday morning.…
General SynodNews
June 15, 2024

General Synod Daily Recap: Saturday, June 15, 2024

This news summary is being updated throughout the day. Morning worship on Saturday was led by the Council for Pacific and Asian American Ministries. Elder Leo Poluan preached on 1…
General SynodNewsRestructuring Team
June 15, 2024

Committed to the future, General Synod embraces change

Delegation votes on remaining restructuring team recommendations On Saturday morning, the General Synod continued its deliberation and voting on the restructuring team’s recommendations for a denominational structure optimized for spiritual…
General SynodNewsRestructuring Team
June 15, 2024

Synod votes to condense classes, regional synods

Delegates affirmed work of restructuring team by passing multiple recommendations with overwhelming majorities In its first plenary session considering proposals from the restructuring team, General Synod overwhelmingly approved five restructuring…

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General SynodNews
June 14, 2024

General Synod Daily Recap: Friday, June 14, 2024

This news summary is being updated throughout the day. General Synod began the day with morning worship, led by the newly reconstituted Native American Indigenous Ministries Council. Pastor Nathan Gullion…
General SynodNews
June 13, 2024

General Synod 2024 Begins – Daily Recap: Thursday, June 13, 2024

General Synod 2024 was called to order on Thursday afternoon by synod president Rev. Judy Nelson.  “We are called to be a body engaged in worshipful work—to discern the mind…
General SynodNews
June 11, 2024

How to Follow General Synod 2024

General Synod is taking place June 13-18, 2024, at the Westin La Paloma in Tucson, Arizona. This week and into the next, delegates from around the RCA will come together…
General SynodNewsRestructuring Team
May 6, 2024

Restructuring Team Publishes Final Report to be Considered at General Synod 2024

The RCA’s restructuring team has published its final report, including ten recommendations that will be voted on at General Synod this June. An additional recommendation that involves a significant set…
NewsRestructuring Team
February 6, 2024

Restructuring Team Update: January 2024

The restructuring team met for our final in-person meeting in Orlando, Florida, January 16-18, 2024. The time together was bittersweet knowing this would be our final in-person meeting to accomplish…
NewsRestructuring Team
February 1, 2024

Virtual Roundtable Meetings Will Allow Denomination to Process Restructuring Team’s Third Draft Proposal

In late February and early March, the RCA’s restructuring team will host five virtual roundtable meetings to present its third draft proposal for an optimized denominational structure for future health…
General SynodNews
January 2, 2024

RCA’s Commission on Christian Unity Meets with Ukrainian Orthodox Church

On October 20, the RCA’s Commission on Christian Unity (minus one member) met with representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA (UOC-USA) at the Metropolia Center in Somerset,…
NewsRestructuring Team
December 14, 2023

Second Set of Roundtables Provides More Feedback for the Restructuring Team

The RCA restructuring team is in the midst of 17 “roundtable” gatherings around the U.S. and Canada. Last weekend, roundtable conversations were held at New Hope Church in Fairview Park,…

Synod Workbook

The document guide General Synod uses during the event.

View the workbook


An up-to-date list of all recommendations being voted on.

View the recommendations


Detailed recordings of the events of General Synod.

View the Journals

The General Synod—

The governing body of the RCA

General Synod membership is made up of minister and elder representatives from each classis and regional synod. In its annual meeting, the General Synod sets the direction and tone for denominational ministry. It has authority in all matters relating to denominational program and policy. It also has general responsibility over all lower assemblies (regional synods, classes, and consistories).

Learn about the General Synod

Minutes of General Synod

The acts and proceedings from each year are recorded in the Minutes of General Synod, including reports and recommendations.

View past meeting minutes

General Synod Statements

General Synod papers provide guidance to the members of the church and are a part of the church’s witness in society.

View past synod statements