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“Bless the LORD with me!”

The African American Black Council led the General Synod in energetic, joy-filled worship on Sunday morning. Elder Vivan Campbell preached a message of hope, weaving the story of Elisha and the widow’s oil (2 Kings 4:1-8) with the present realities of the RCA.

“Let us heed the call of hope,” she said. “Let us be vessels of transformation, pouring out hope in a world longing for healing.”

General Synod recognizes Missional Impact Partners

During the report of RCA Advancement in the Sunday evening plenary session, General Synod recognized the generosity of 21 Missional Impact Partners. These churches contribute at least $40,000 or 10 percent of their budget to support RCA mission and ministry.

*Bethel Reformed Church in Brantford, Ontario
Christ Memorial Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan
Emmanuel Reformed Church in Whitby, Ontario
Faith Reformed Church in Zeeland, Michigan
Fellowship Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan
Fifth Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan
First Reformed Church in Grandville, Michigan
First Reformed Church in Melvin, Iowa
*Harbor Churches in Hudsonville, Michigan
*Herkimer Reformed Church in Herkimer, New York
The Bridge (formerly Meredith Drive Reformed Church) in Johnston, Iowa
Midland Reformed Church in Midland, Michigan
*Nepali-Speaking Community Church in Kentwood, Michigan
New Hope Reformed Church in Powell, Ohio
North Holland Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan
*Oak Springs Community Church in Murrieta, California
Pella Reformed Church in Adams, Nebraska
*Raritan Reformed Church in Raritan, Illinois
Second Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa
Third Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan
Trinity Reformed Church in Orange City, Iowa

*denotes a new Missional Impact Partner

Christian unity celebrated at synod

Delegates heard from a number of representatives from the RCA’s ecumenical partners. Words of encouragement were brought via video by Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi (World Communion of Reformed Churches), Archbishop Daniel Zelensky (Ukrainian Orthodox Church), and Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie (National Council of Churches). Ecumenical guests Mark Pettis (United Church of Christ), Dianna Wright (Presbyterian Church [U.S.A.]), Jonathan Linman (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), and Jeff Dykema (Christian Reformed Church in North America) were present with the General Synod body on Sunday night and brought their greetings.

“I, along with all your brothers and sisters in the UCC, am blessed to walk alongside you in the midst of challenging times and impactful decisions, blessed and honored to pray with you, to sing with you, to discern with you, and to do the will of God with you as sisters and brothers in this family of God,” said Pettis. 

“Yesterday, following the completion of the consideration of the recommendations that came from the restructuring team, I was speaking with one of your delegates,” he added. “I mentioned that this was my sixth RCA General Synod. … I shared with him and with you, how moving it has been to experience such a dramatic shift in tone that I have witnessed as you have found a place of respectful discernment to determine how the Spirit continues to move in the life of the RCA. For this gift of this experience, I thank you. I thank you for your hospitality, for who you continue to be as an expression of the church, and for the blessings you offer.”

The General Synod also heard the report of the RCA’s Commission on Christian Unity.

Five nominated for General Synod 2025 vice president

General Synod nominated five candidates for vice president on Sunday evening. The candidates are Pastor Israel Camacho, Rev. Beth Carroll, Rev. Brian Keepers, Rev. Sarah Palsma, and Rev. Grace Rim. More in-depth bios of the nominees will be published on Monday.

The newest synod vice president will be elected Monday and will be installed during closing worship. Election to the office of vice president is a three-year commitment to the work of the General Synod, General Synod Council, and the Board of Benefits Services. After serving at the pleasure of or in the absence of the president in the first year, the vice president is typically the sole nominee for president the following year.

General Synod offerings will support RCA chaplain ministry and mission efforts in the Netherlands

Offerings taken during General Synod will support the RCA Chaplains’ Conference Fund and the Koffiekamer ministry of RCA Global Mission partners Christiaan and Cecilia van Dijk in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. 

The RCA Chaplains’ Conference Fund provides the finances needed to gather all RCA chaplains together for fellowship, support, and encouragement for their work. Support of this fund will enhance the annual conference, provide scholarships, and help offset event expenses. 

The Koffiekamer is a gathering place in Apeldoorn, Netherlands, where neighbors connect over coffee or tea, foster relationships, and create opportunities for spiritual engagement in a post-Christian society. Support for this ministry helps Christiaan and Cecilia provide opportunities for seeds of faith to sprout through hospitality, conversation, and community.

The recipients of the offerings were designated by General Synod president Rev. Judy Nelson. Contribute to the General Synod offering.

Watch the videostream of General Synod worship and plenary sessions

For full coverage of General Synod 2024, visit